Free shipping in Italy

Terms and Conditions

1. Seller Identity

Seller of the products on the online catalogues of the website WWW.PETERLEGWOOD.COM
is N.C.S Srl, which has its registered office in Via Vizzotto,1930027, San Donà di Piave (Ve)., T. +390421 479320 mail: [hereinafter the “PLW”].

2. Essential characteristics of the service

PLW through the site offers an online catalog of Footwear, insoles and more. The conditions below regulate the sale and supply of Products by PLW to the Customer.

The sending of the purchase order by the Customer implies acceptance by the latter of these conditions of sale. PLW reserves the right to change these general terms and conditions of sale upon notice to be published on the Site.

The visual representation of the products on the Site normally corresponds to the photographic image of the products themselves and has the sole purpose of presenting them for sale, without any guarantee or commitment on the part of PLW as to the exact correspondence of the image depicted on the e-commerce site with the actual product; and this, with particular regard to the chromatic aspects of the products.

3. Use of the service

Product selection procedure: before starting the purchase procedure, the Customer must select the Products he intends to purchase. For this purpose, a “virtual shopping cart” for purchases is visible in the card of each Product: by clicking on the shopping cart icon in correspondence to the chosen item, this is automatically inserted in the shopping cart. This procedure must be repeated for each Product you intend to purchase.

Purchase procedure: by clicking on the “Checkout” icon the order confirmation procedure will start. The billing information is requested. The data entered in this section will be those used at the time of invoicing. The invoice will be received together with the Product at the time of delivery. It is very important to verify the correctness of the name of the natural person or the name of the legal entity and other information provided (address, zip code, tax code or VAT number) as this data will be used, to all intents and purposes, to identify the owner of the purchase of the Products. The Customer is advised that the billing and delivery data of the Products may not coincide: it is therefore necessary to carefully check the compilation of the data entered.

Methods of payment – payment can be made through:

  • Cash on delivery: in case of cash on delivery payment the customer will pay the amount due directly to the courier upon receipt of the package. The courier does not accept cheques and the amount to be paid must therefore be paid in cash; the additional cost for this method of payment is € 5.50
  • Payment by Paypal: in case of payment by Paypal CBP will address the “End of Order” on the page “Payments by Paypal”. All that remains for the customer to do is to enter the personal email and password already registered and proceed with the payment. The customer also has the possibility to pay by credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD) and to use the PayPal software without necessarily having to have an account with the same.
  • Bank transfer in advance: to our support bank; bank data:
    Banco Desio Veneto Spa – AG.Treviso
    IBAN EN 77 V 03440 12000 000 000 153600
    Beneficiary: N.C.S. srl

The system will automatically calculate the total amount of the order
Price: the total amount of the order is displayed.
Place Order: To place your order, click on the “Place Order” icon.

N.B: Not all methods shown here will always be active.

Conclusion of contract:

The contract after its conclusion will be filed in electronic form and its data will be accessible by PLW’s personnel in charge of its execution or by any third parties appointed to execute it. Therefore, by sending the order, the Customer authorizes PLW to use the data contained therein for the conclusion and execution of the supply of the Products.

In case of unavailability of the Products, PLW shall inform the Customer as soon as possible and reimburse him/her for any amounts already paid for the unexecuted supply without any right on the part of the Customer to any compensation or damages.

4. Prices

All products are described in detail. Each product sheet indicates the retail price, including VAT.

5. Delivery

No shipment will be made until the amount has been duly credited (except in the case of cash on delivery), with specific retention of title by the seller until payment in full.

The delivery terms are indicative and are calculated in working days; therefore, any liability of PLW for all damages resulting from early or late delivery, in whole or in part, is excluded.

If, for reasons not attributable to PLW, the Customer or the carrier designated by the Customer fails to take delivery of the products, PLW may, after notifying the Customer, store them and charge the Customer for any costs incurred.

The average delivery time is approximately 3-7 working days (Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

Some items and for some regions (Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia) delivery times may be longer.

6. What to do upon receipt of the package

When the courier will make the delivery the Customer must verify:

  • that the package is intact, not damaged or wet and in any case complies with the standard characteristics of a package,
  • that the custom tape is intact and not tampered with,
  • that the number of parcels indicated on the consignment note corresponds to the number of parcels actually delivered. Any objections must be immediately raised with the carrier, failing which the product is deemed to have been delivered correctly. If the parcel is damaged or tampered with upon receipt of the goods, it is necessary:
  • express a reservation: the package is accepted but before signing the document the customer must write “I accept with right of reservation because the package has the following anomaly …. (describe the damage observed on the package)”. It will thus be possible, once opened the package and found any damage, to be compensated for the damage suffered;
  • express to the carrier the unacceptability of the parcel for tampering: refuse the parcel for tampered package.

If the customer does not perform these operations PLW considers the parcel to be properly delivered.

7. Returns

The return of the item will be possible within 14 days from the day of shipment.

Returns: If there are any problems or production defects related to the product, please send an email to, entering as subject the type of defect and in the text the type of replacement required, one of our staff will contact you as soon as possible, providing all the information necessary to continue with the return.

8. Complaints and contacts

For any information, please contact the Website:

For complaints or any other communication concerning the purchase through the website, send e-mail to:

9. Purchases made through public access

The Customer is advised that PLW uses “cookies” – i.e. small data files that contain references to the username information provided by the Customer and stored on its fixed servers – to improve and facilitate the navigation of the Site by the Customer. For this reason, in the case of purchases made by the Customer through “Internet Point” or through other public access is recommended the Customer to delete these cookies and close the browser at the end of the purchase operation. In default, the Customer’s personal data could be viewed by subsequent users.

10. Treatment of personal data

PLW is the owner of the personal data collected at the time of registration on the Site, as well as those subsequently communicated at the time of purchase by the Customer.

For information relating to the processing of personal data, including the rights under Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03, please refer to the detailed information already provided at the time of registration on the Site and always available there.

11. Obligations of the Customer

The Customer is solely responsible for the truthfulness and correctness of the information and data provided to PLW and requested by the latter through the WEBSITE, and undertakes to promptly notify any changes to the data entered.

The Customer, upon confirmation of the purchase order, declares:

  1. to have read, understood and accepted the GTC;
  2. to authorize PLW to process the personal data communicated at the time of purchase, and to transmit the personal data necessary to process the payment in the manner indicated.

The Customer is responsible for the content of any contribution or message sent on the Site. The Customer may only send personal data strictly functional to the purpose of the communication sent, provided that such purpose is permitted under these general conditions and the Site.

The Customer must not send sensitive data of his/her own or of third parties. Any sensitive data received through the Site will be immediately permanently deleted by PLW and will not be processed in any way. The Customer may not send confidential information about third parties on the Site.

13. Competent Court

Without prejudice to the applicability of the mandatory provisions of the law for the protection of consumers, any dispute not related to consumers in any case connected with these general conditions will be assigned to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Venice.


> Cash on delivery 

If you want to make the payment when the goods are delivered to you by the courier this is the ideal solution. Payment can only be made in cash for the exact amount of the purchase (usually the courier does not give change). For this type of payment you have to add the cash on delivery costs which are 5.50 Euro (at the moment of the order the costs will be automatically added to the total amount of the purchase made).

> Paypal e carte di credito anche prepagate

One of the most popular methods of online shopping on the internet. Users who already have a PayPal account can make the payment through the login, the user who does not have a PayPal account can instead pay by credit card.

NB. Additional standard rate due to Paypal (equal to 3.4% of the total) to enable this type of payment and offer an even more secure service to the customer.

> Bonifico bancario anticipato

By choosing this type of payment, after confirming your order, you will be sent an email with the bank details to make the transfer. At the time of crediting the account (the period can vary from 1 to 3 working days depending on the banks and from the time the transfer is processed by them) the order will be processed. In order to anticipate the shipping time, it is possible to send a copy of the payment receipt by bank transfer via email to

N.B.: If the person making the transfer is a person other than the name in the order, please specify the name of the sender in the notes to facilitate the traceability of the payment related to the order! Thank you for your kind cooperation.


The average delivery time is 3-7 working days. Deliveries are made from Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Some items, for logistic reasons, have longer delivery times. For the regions of Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia, which are very peripheral or difficult to reach, it usually takes 4-8 working days. The shipment takes place the day after the order in case of cash on delivery or payment by credit card or PayPal account. In case of payment by bank transfer in advance the order will not be shipped until the funds are credited at our bank.

The courier usually makes an attempt and does not deliver to the floors; if for any reason it cannot make the unloading (lack of addressee, wrong address, etc.) a notice with instructions for redelivery is left. If the redelivery is also unsuccessful, the goods go into storage and remain in the courier’s warehouse for five days after which, if no one picks them up, they return to our warehouse.

Therefore, please make sure that someone is present at the time of delivery (it can be you or your representative), or you can request that the goods be delivered to another shipping address other than the billing address, which can be for example your place of work or that of a person appointed by you: simply indicate this when you place your order using the appropriate fields to be filled in: the more information you provide, the better we will be able to serve you.

We recommend that you leave us a telephone number where you can be reached: in case of delivery problems (e.g. temporary absence of the recipient) the courier will contact you. When the goods are delivered by the courier it is also recommended to check their correspondence and integrity. Any damage or lack of packages must be reported immediately by signing the transport document with reservation, giving us simultaneous communication via e-mail. Only in this way we can proceed with the partial or total replacement of the products.